
SPOKEN TO THE SUBJECT You are relaxed now, and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tensions, anxiety and fear. You now realize that you are more confident and sure of yourself because you have taken the enormous first step toward helping yourself. You begin to feel this strength from…

Signs of Trance

There are several outward signs of trance that can be observed in all subjects. These signs can not be simulated by the subject. The subject will exhibit at least one, and in many cases, multiple signs. 1) Body Warmth Many subjects note a distinct change in body temperature. Many subjects feel cold, and others feel…

Television – Magic TV Method – For Children

(For Children 5 to 10) INSTRUCTIONS TO HYPNOTIST You don’t really need any introductory preparation for using this induction with a child. Simply have the child get in a comfortable position and close his eyes and listen to the suggestions you tell him. SPOKEN TO THE SUBJECT Just keep your eyes closed now until I…

Rapid Method

Instructions to hypnotist Begin by having the subject hold their arms stretched out directly in front of them, so that the palms of the hands are facing each other. Have the hands about 6 inches apart. Spoken to the subject You may now lower your hands back to your side. In just a moment I…

Light Hand Method

by Marshall Sylver (Transcribed From An Actual Show) Spoken by the hypnotist In a moment I’m going to tell you to begin concentrating on one of your hands. The moment that you do, you may concentrate either on your right hand or your left hand, it really doesn’t matter which You will concentrate on a…

Fixation Object Method (A Traditional Method)

INSTRUCTIONS TO HYPNOTIST This is the traditional method of inducing hypnosis. The subject is asked to direct their gaze at the fixation object and not shift their focus. The hypnotist can intensify the induction by observing the subjects reactions and timing his suggestions very closely with them. For example, the remark, “Occasionally, they are going…

Non Verbal – Method II

Instructions to hypnotist A non verbal induction may be accomplished with any individual that is ready to experience hypnosis. One of the keys to the induction of hypnosis is correct use of pre-hypnotic suggestions. The following is an example of pre-induction suggestions. Hypnotist:  Would you like to experience hypnosis? Subject:    Yes Hypnotist:  I would like…

Amnesia – Creating Mental Nothingness

Instructions to hypnotist This technique can be used for both mind clearing or amnesia. The “room of nothingness” can become the “room of forgetfulness.” The suggestion is given that any suggestions given in the “room of forgetfulness” will not be remembered by the conscious mind, but the subject will act upon them none the less….

Hand Shake Method

Instructions to hypnotist the following hypnotic induction utilizes all three of the learning modes. The subject will be responding through hearing, seeing, and feelings. Begin with the subject sitting in a comfortable chair. Spoken to subject Would you like to experience the state of hypnosis? (After a yes response, have the subject extend his or…

Sleep Easy

Use after an induction, as a deepener to be remembered later, and as straightforward advice for those who are having difficulty with sleep.   Now I’d like you to imagine yourself on the top floor of a busy department store… at Christmas time… Christmas eve, in fact, with shoppers bustling everywhere, tills ringing, flustered counter…

Fibromyalgia and Sleep Therapy

Your muscles, joints and glands are swollen, burning and painful… you may feel symptoms of depression and/or anxiety… you are exhausted… you find it harder to concentrate and form coherent thoughts (mental fog)… it gets more difficult to complete your normal, everyday tasks… you may experience irritable bowel syndrome or symptoms of arthritis… your senses…

Goal Achievement

After induction and deepener: When you are starting …to notice that …it is becoming easier …and easier to get …what you REALLY desire …can you BEGIN NOW each day to begin …to notice as you …begin finding yourself …doing things that you …really enjoy …that are a part of …getting what you long for… And…

Center of Creation

Introduction – Please read this before experiencing the imagery. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR INTENTION You are about to experience the Center of Creation Imagery. This imagery brings your mind and your physical body into their most powerful states of creation. For about 4 – 6 hours after you experience this imagery your body and mind…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Hypnosis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Maurice Kouguell, Ph.D., BCETS  This article is in response to one of our readers, a hypnotherapist, from Australia who is requesting help in finding scripts for helping sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating fatigue described as exhaustion, poor stamina (if any) and flu-like…

Phobia – Fear of What Other People Think

This works well for those individuals who are excessively sensitive to the opinions and thoughts of others. Use after a long induction, as part of a general confidence and ego boosting session. … from this day on, you’re going to find your confidence within yourself, your confidence in your abilities and your self belief, becoming…


By David Barr, CHT Now that you have entered this deeply relaxed state, you are going to rid yourself of the constant ringing in your ears. I want you to use your imagination… Picture in your mine a volume control. Right now, the volume is on 9… Good… Now turn the volume up to 10….

Zoosh Healing Script

by Geoffrey Knight Below I give a script I have devised that I have found to be enormously successful with clients with any problem that requires reframing. Any professional practitioner of hypnotherapy or NLP, on a daily basis, will be reframing emotional and physical presenting problems. Here is something new and exciting. The germ of an…

Visual Floaters

by © 2003 by Craig R. Lang The following is a generic script which I adapt to help people (including myself) to manage visual floaters. This particular script uses the metaphor of a piece of filtering technology which removes those pesky visual companions. I have found it to be useful imagery to make those spots…

Self Hypnosis – Script (& Induction for Weight Reduction)

by Geoffrey Knight Instructions In order to get the best possible recording use these tips: Take plenty of time Speak slowly, for example say the word “slowly” as though it is spelt “slooooowleeee” Try to lower your voice by half a tone, make it a little deeper than your normal speech Leave plenty of pauses…

Tropical Island

Fairly standard and very effective. The cloud metaphor is very useful for anxiety sufferers. In a moment I’m going to ask you to imagine certain things… but it doesn’t matter if you find you can’t imagine all the things I’m asking you to. You might even find your mind wandering quite a bit, so that…

Time Capsule

You can use this as a deepener, though it actually carries suggestions for decision making and enlightenment. Use after any ‘standard’ preparation. It’ll work particularly well for imaginative individuals. And now I want you to imagine a shimmering, transparent capsule… a shimmering, transparent capsule suspended by a silvery thread somewhere in a timeless place… it’s…

Stop Snoring

Now…I want you to breath in and out of your nose with your mouth closed… the same way you do normally when you’re getting ready to fall asleep… Just let yourself relax and drift down into a sleep-like state… as if you really are sleeping, yet you are still totally conscious, totally aware, almost like…

Self Hypnosis – Stress Management

By Wayne F. Perkins Educational Hypnotherapist Definition of Stress What is stress? Stress is a psychological and physiological reaction in our mind and body to an external or internal stimulus. Some stressful reactions to stimuli include rapid heart beat, blood flow being diverted to the arms and legs, dryness of mouth and an overall feeling…

Purple Bag

Sometimes we get confused about who we really are. We think that we are our job or the role we play in life. Maybe you’ve recognized several things that have been interfering in your relationships. Take this opportunity to explore other areas.  Get into a comfortable position…  Imagine in front of you there is a…


This is an unusual one, in that it’s dynamic, rather than restful. It is a particularly good script for analytical work, as well as for Past Life Regression experiments. I wonder if you can imagine, just a for a moment or two, that you’re walking along next to a park on a warm Autumn evening……

Self Mastery – I

Introduction – Please Read First This set contains 3 word-for-word self-hypnosis induction scripts to utilize a technique that Stever Robbins proposed. Self Mastery Script I asks the subconscious to sort through a set of events, pick out the ten best instances and install the best techniques from those instances into your future actions. This script…

Self Mastery – III

Introduction – Please Read First This set contains 3 word-for-word self-hypnosis induction scripts to utilize a technique that Stever Robbins proposed. Self Mastery Script I asks the subconscious to sort through a set of events, pick out the ten best instances and install the best techniques from those instances into your future actions. This script…

Self Mastery – II

Introduction – Please Read First This set contains 3 word-for-word self-hypnosis induction scripts to utilize a technique that Stever Robbins proposed. Self Mastery Script I asks the subconscious to sort through a set of events, pick out the ten best instances and install the best techniques from those instances into your future actions. This script…

Guilt Release

This should be used only when there is a genuine cause for the guilty feelings. It should not be used when there is a misinterpretation of events, i.e. when it is obvious that no guilty feelings are deserved or when the guilt is otherwise unwarranted (rape, abuse, finding a new partner after the death of…


by Michael McKee  But you can remember that sometimes you see things and sometimes you miss them don’t you. And you can think of a time when you were looking for something in plain sight and looked and looked and when you came back later there it was all along. And isn’t it interesting to…

Self-Hypnosis – The Light Switch Technique

By: Gerald Kein  This is the technique I developed over many years for teaching extremely deep somnambulistic self-hypnosis in one simple session. First make sure you have the client in somnambulism. The Elman induction is my preferred way to accomplish this. Then Say: We can go ahead and relax you mentally and physically much more, but…

Ego Strengthening

Adapted from Hartland’s Medical & Dental Hypnosis [Preparation of Subject for Post-Hypnotic suggestion] You have now become so deeply relaxed… so deeply asleep… that your mind has become so sensitive… so receptive to what I say… that everything that I put into your mind… will sink so deeply into the unconscious part of your mind……

Depression II

Think of the most peaceful scene you can remember. Let your mind’s eye rove over the scene as you recall the things that made it peaceful or beautiful or memorable. Let your mind become permeated with the colourful serenity of the scene. Think about each thought I share with you and let it sink into…

Depression I

You are a totally positive being. (See PROTECTIVE SHIELD Script) You have a shield of protection, others do not bother you. Any negativity bounces off of you. Love is what you are. You are peace and tranquillity. Complete compatibility with divine love. As easily as the negativity bounces off, so easily too you are like…


Creating I am in the process of creating a new individual. No matter what my age, no matter what my talents I can create the exact person I want to become. If I want to become more successful, I will mentally create a more successful person. If I want to become more calm, more relaxed,…


by Collin Rosati And relaxing even deeper now, even more at peace with yourself and the world around you… I’d like you to imagine yourself in a beautiful paradise. Now, it does not matter if this is a place that maybe you have once visited… or perhaps this is a place that you have always…

Self Hypnosis – Induction Script

Self Hypnosis Induction Script by Charles E. Henderson, Ph.D. This is an induction talk for practicing self-hypnosis. It can be used as a guide to “thinking” your way down, or it can be tape recorded and listened to during practice. Follow the instructions for self-hypnosis induction in the section, “Self-Hypnosis Induction Procedure.” [Fair Use standards apply. This…

Ego Strengthener

After induction and deepener: You have now become so deeply relaxed…. so deeply asleep…. that your mind has become so sensitive…. so receptive to everything I say…. that everything that I put into your mind…. will sink so deeply into the unconscious part of your mind…. that it will have a very deep and lasting…

Angina Pectoris

Survey you body for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Angina is a stress related illness triggered or aggravated by a deficiency in minerals and vitamins. Tell me what comes to your mind. Since angina is stress related, I want you to now release all tension, stress and anxiety. Feel the relaxation throughout your entire body….


Marc T. Wolff You have the power to make changes within your body. You are the master of your body. The power to heal is already available to you. In a relaxed state it is easier to learn how to use this power. Your immune system is capable of eliminating the cancer in your body….

Stiff Arm

Spoken to the subject Raise and stiffen your arm. Make a fist. (Help subject achieve this position, then let go) That’s good. Just like a steel bar, stiff and powerful. So stiff and rigid and so powerful that the more you try to lower or bend your arm, the stiffer and tighter it becomes. Try…

Television – Imagination Method – For Children

(For Children Ages 7 – 11) Instructions to hypnotist A tactile technique, such as holding a stuffed animal, may be appropriate for a 2-year-old. A 4-year-old may respond better to a rag-doll and a 6-year-old to a coin or television technique. Developmentally, a school child (7-11 years of age) may respond best to a favorite…

Let Go and Fly

By Collin Rosati As you’re lying there so peacefully, so calm and relaxed, I’d like you to imagine what it would feel like if you could actually fly, if you could soar through the air free and alive like a bird. Now, you don’t have to actually imagine that you have wings and feathers and…

Dave Elman – Deepening (& Rapid Induction)

(Note: While this deepening is used with the Dave Elman Rapid induction, it can also be used after any suitable induction.)   Now the body’s relaxed… so let’s get the mind relaxed, that’s really what we want to do. When your mind’s relaxed you really can achieve anything you can think of, within certain restrictions…

Arm Drop Method

Instructions to Hypnotist The subject is asked to raise an arm so that the hand is slightly above the head and given suggestions. There are a number of aspects of this induction which are worthy of special notice.First, the arm is placed in such a position that fatigue will eventually bring it down. The downward movement…

Awareness Induction

Instructions to the hypnotist I’ve found this to be a very good script for dealing with the Hyper vigilant individual or the particularly analytical type of personality. It is extremely permissive but at the same time, almost impossible to resist. Spoken to the subject Ok, just make yourself comfortable now… if you want to close…

Progressive Relaxation

This progressive relaxation script is hypnosis induction script of 2-3 minutes. It is a great alternative to the longer progressive muscle relaxation scripts and allows the hypnotherapist to move quickly on to the deepening phase and therapy. This is ideal for regular clients who may become bored and restless with longer versions of a progressive…

Instantaneous Method – Rapid Induction

Spoken to the subject Stand facing me. That’s right. Now step forward. (Place right hand on subjects head, supporting the base of the skull. Grasp subjects right arm at elbow with left hand) Bring your feet closer together. Closer. That’s right. Breathe in deeply. (With a sudden forward pulling movement of the hands, lightly jerk…

Eye Fixation with Imagery Method – For Children

Instructions to hypnotist A tactile technique, such as holding a stuffed animal, may be appropriate for a 2-year-old. A 4-year-old may respond better to a rag-doll and a 6-year-old to a coin or television technique. Developmentally, a school child (7-11 years of age) may respond best to a favorite place technique and adolescent to sports…

Seven Plus or Minus Two

by Terence Watts Introduction Use this induction with analytical or intellectually orientated clients. It contains elements of confusion and since it is almost impossible to resist, it works particularly well with those who tend to find ‘normal’ relaxation inductions uncomfortable. Use a ‘standard’ preparation to begin. Spoken to the Subject All right, just allow yourself…

Clasp Induction

Transcribed From An Actual Show. Spoken to the Subject:  Look at me now … do not look away. In a moment I’m going to continue relaxing you further (show subjects) In a moment I’m going to tell you to extend you hands straight out in front of you The moment that you do you’ll place your…


Spoken to the subject I’d like you to use your imagination now. I want you to imagine, I’d like you to think about … a beautiful lush tropical garden. This is a paradise and like a paradise there are only wonderful things here … No harm can come to you here. This is your garden,…

Stiff Arm

Raise and stiffen you arm. Make a fist. (Help subject achieve this position, then let go) That’s good. Just like a steel bar, stiff and powerful. So stiff and rigid and so powerful that the more you try to lower or bend your arm, the stiffer and tighter it becomes. Try to lower or bend…

Sexual Male

In the future you will have more will power and greater self control. Also you will feel an increase in your power of endurance to the extent that you will be able to reach one or MORE satisfactory climaxes. In the future you will be satisfied with the amount of time you spend in the…

Secret Of Study

Remember … The secret of study is the acquired ability to focus all your mental awareness on one job and hold it there until the job is done, plus the ability to retain, recall and put to use what you have learned whenever you need it. The total process of effective study is the foundation…

Reading Faster

See yourself sitting at your desk or in your favorite chair reading. You are reading at a very comfortable speed and retaining everything you read. I now want you to notice that you are reading at twice the speed that you normally do. You have not sacrificed any comprehension or retention. In fact, your comprehension…

Rainbow Garden

In this exercise you will practice deep self communication. You will use relaxation and imagery to stimulate your imagination. By increasing your self awareness, you will heal, balance, and center yourself. Sit or lie comfortably. Take three deep breaths and relax. Use the power of your mind to stimulate your imagination and increase your self…

Public Speaking

Spoken to the Subject: You realize that you are a constantly maturing and growing personality. You are becoming aware of the strength and abilities that are within you. You are sensing a feeling of confidence in your abilities to achieve the goals you have chosen for yourself. You are learning to believe in yourself, you…


The secret of success is in the sequence, for each step sets the stage in consciousness for the one that follows. You tune into the presence within and take on the spiritual vibration. You choose that which is your heart desire, knowing that the reason you have this desire is because the presence is wanting…


As you hear this, you are going to be more receptive subconsciously to the suggestions that I will share with you. They will begin to build like a fortress, block by block, stone by stone, as you build your life now to be the greatest success, to earn the most money that you are possibly…


You do not respond to any comments from hospital personnel, family, friends, etc. that in any way might slow down the healing process. You only respond to the positive. The pain associated with surgery is minimal, only required if a warning is necessary. There is no discoloration, no blood in the tissue, no bruising. There…

Pain Control

(WARNING : Pain is an important part of living as it tells us there is a problem. Only use hypnosis if you have first sought out every possibility  from mainstream medical to alternative therapy and you have been advised that no more can be done to help.) Pain is a warning device from you body….

Nail Biting

Visualize yourself looking great, relaxing, feeling calm. Now, imagine looking at your hands and seeing your nails are grown out; your cuticles look healthy. See how good they look. You no longer bite your nails. If you start to bite your nails or cuticles, because you used to do that, your hands will become very…


You are totally self confident in every area of your life. Other people will not bother you with their possessions, their remarks or their achievements. You are a valuable contribution. No one can offer what you have to offer except you. Love is what you are, not what you do or say. When you find…

Hypnotherapist – Being a Professional

Hypnosis brings to you emotional, intellectual, social and financial eminence among your peers. You are rapidly moving towards the satisfaction of your deepest needs, and the realization of your highest goals. And so be it. Now each of these ideas continue making a permanent, deep, vivid impression on your subconscious mind. Each day in you…


Visualize that you are a sponge being wrung of stress, down and out your toes. Take 3 deep breaths and “sleep now”. Hear my voice only until your relaxation therapy is complete, then you will go into a deep easy natural sleep. Because you want to get a full nights sleep, and because you want…

Inner Advisor

Take a few slow, deep, abdominal breaths … Inhale … Exhale … Inhale … Exhale … Focus your attention on your breathing for a few minutes … And recognize how easily slow, deep breathing alone can induce a nice state of deep relaxation. Let the body breath itself … according to its own natural rhythm…

High Blood Pressure

See yourself completely relaxed. Relax the constriction of arteries. See your heart pumping easily. Notice that your blood is flowing smoothly. See your kidneys flushing properly. You head feels clear. You feel a sense of energy and well-being. It is easy to restrict the amount of salt in your diet, possibly even losing a few…

Healing Temple

At the count of 3, see yourself projected back in time to the most famous healing temple known. 1 – 2 – 3. You are now standing outside the most famous healing temple of all time. (Pause 1 minute after each of the following suggestions) Enter the temple and meet the physicians and priests who…


You are surrounded by a divine blue healing light which is flowing through all of your cells, healing you quickly and completely. You have the power and ability to accelerate the healing of your body. Your body is filled with positive healing energy and your healing is now accelerated. Each breath of air that you…

Goal Accomplishment

You are a self-confident winner who accomplishes your goals. All of your experiences are potential opportunities. You can literally accomplish anything. Your only limitation is your imagination and you now let your imagination go free. You are very clear about what you want out of life and you get what you want out of life….


Sex is not an inconvenience to you. You can easily reach a climax when you choose. You are just as good as any other woman sexually. You are a confident and competent lover. Sex is for both men and women to enjoy. Between consenting adults any expression of love and sex is great. You feel…

Exam Anxiety

You will be able to remember what you have learned. You will recall the correct answers with ease because you are prepared. You will take your examination with a relaxed body and a clear sharp mind. The minute you pick up your exam questions you will be completely calm and relaxed. You are very calm…

ESP Development

You are unaffected by negativity and retain the ability to enjoy all of the warmth and joy that life has to offer. You are totally detached from negativity. You are open and receptive to love. You do not complain. You accept other people as they are without expecting them to change. You are patient, calm…


Survey your entire body, mind and spirit and see if there is an energy leakage. Can you see where energy is escaping or draining to? If there is a leak, no matter how small, the leakage is diminishing, ceasing and is now completely repaired so that all the energy is now retained and utilized correctly…


You are relaxed now and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tension, anxiety and fear. You now realize that you are more confident and sure of yourself because you have taken this enormous step toward helping yourself. You begin to feel this strength from within, motivating you to overcome…


I let my thoughts move out to the vastness of space, as though there were no such thing as illness or disease. With that I have nothing to do. I consider the heavens, the ceaseless movement of those tremendously heavy bodies which are being drawn through space with sublime ease. I think of the resistless…


You are a totally positive being. (See PROTECTIVE SHIELD Script) You have a shield of protection, others do not bother you. Any negativity bounces off of you. Love is what you are. You are peace and tranquility. Complete compatibility with divine love. As easily as the negativity bounces off, so easily too you are like…


Go deeper and deeper to sleep. Deeper and deeper to sleep. You know that your whole gastro-intestinal system is simply a muscular tube which is coiled round and round inside your body. Various parts of this tube have various purposes, just like the specialized departments in a factory. The mouth is the receiving department where…


You are feeling absolutely great about yourself. You opinion is as good as anyone else’s. Love is what you are, not what you do or what you have. You have total confidence in yourself. NOW! You have something value to contribute. You are totally positive; negativity is a part of your past. It is easy…


You can very easily control you heart beat and the rate with which you blood flows through your veins. Visualize your blood flowing unrestricted to all parts of your body. Visualize the healing light starting at the top of your head. It is now moving down through your entire body clearing all veins and arteries…

Bust Development

As a child your breast tissues and glands were not developed.  During puberty your breast tissues started to develop. Your breast tissues stopped developing before they reached the size that you desire.  Recreate the situation and circumstances just before your breasts stopped developing.  Now stimulate the hormones in your body to develop the breast tissue….

Body Heat

 Your body is constantly in the process of heating and cooling. The rate at which your body cools determines how comfortable you are. Most of your body heat escapes from the top or crown of your head. You may now control the amount of heat that escapes from your head.  (TOO COLD)Visualize a cover or…


You are no longer subject to blushing. Anytime you feel the heat rising and the color flushing, you now have control. You are in control: the blushing does not control you. Immediately when you feel the blush start, you take a deep breath and it never materializes. Picture yourself in a past experience when you…


Now, for years you’ve been stricken with a disease which you have labeled asthma.  The interesting part about asthma is that asthma really is not a disease at all; asthma is merely the symptom. Asthma is caused by the constriction of the bronchi and this is in turn caused by little messages that are sent…

Anger – Temper

See yourself in a situation where you might have lost your temper in the past. This time see yourself in control You no longer respond with anger. You respond with understanding and are calm. You no longer feel a need to retaliate. You can now allow people to be themselves and allow them their own…

AIDS – Session II

As you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation, you are feeling calm and at peace with yourself. During your last visit I talked about your ability to fight off and eliminate tensions and how this can be accomplished. As you remember, tension and anxieties bring about a breakdown in your immune system and how this…

AIDS – Session I

Now, as you sink deeper and deeper, completely relaxed, I’m going to talk about tension, anxiety and fear. How unnecessary these feelings are and how you, YOURSELF, are going to eliminate them. When we come down with a cold, the general emotion we feel is inconvenience. Inconvenience, because you miss work, have little or no…

Awake On Five

Each time that you use this method for easy relaxation, you relax more easily, more quickly, and more deeply. Relaxation is a skill that you are easily developing with trance. Now, I’m going to count from one to five, and then I’ll say, “Fully aware.” At the count of five, your eyes are open, and…


In a moment I’m going to relax you more completely … In a moment I’m going to begin counting backwards from 10 to 1 … The moment I say the number 10 you will allow your eyelids to remain closed … The moment I say the number 10, you will, in your minds eye, see…


Relax … Let a good, pleasant feeling come all across your body … Let every muscle and every nerve grow so loose and so limp and so relaxed … Arms limp now, just like a rag doll … That’s good … Now, send a pleasant wave of relaxation over your entire body, from the top…

Mountain Trip

Before you go into a hypnotic state, be sure that you have your clothes loosened in any  areas where they may be tight, and then get yourself into a very comfortable position,  close your eyes and begin inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly… Continue inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly about five or six times … Each…

Confusion Method

INSTRUCTIONS TO HYPNOTIST The basic message to this induction is the conscious forgetting, and the subconscious knowing. This message is drawn out and repeated. Separate directions for the conscious mind, and separate directions for the subconscious mind. Maintain the subconscious attention, while dismissing the conscious attention both by the suggestions and the pauses and mental…

Joane Goulding – Life Choices – Termination

Life Choices :  Blue Print for Personal Success Termination Script Copyright: Joane Goulding Usage: This script maybe used for personal or professional purposes such as within a practice setting to treat a client. Restrictions: This script may not be used for commercial uses, such as recording, whether for reward or for no charge. It may…

Joane Goulding – Life Choices – Deepening

Life Choices :  Blue Print for Personal Success Deepening Script Copyright: Joane Goulding Usage: This script maybe used for personal or professional purposes such as within a practice setting to treat a client. Restrictions: This script may not be used for commercial uses, such as recording, whether for reward or for no charge. It may…